Tuolumne County Superior Court.

JuryPhone implemented in California's Tuolumne County Superior Court - May, 2003

Tuolmne Courthouse

IntegraVox customized and installed an 8-line JuryPhone voice response system with a 4-line backup-system at the historic Tuolumne County Courthouse in Sonora, California at the beginning of May, 2003. The system works with the Court's JURY+ Next Generation application to:

  • Give jurors their reporting instructions based on a combination of criteria including the time they are calling in to the system and their current status in JURY+ Next Generation.
  • Let jurors postpone their service date within the predefined business rules the Court has set up in the JURY+ Next Generation system.
  • Transfer jurors to the Court's Jury Administration staff after playing them the juror's badge number and the function the juror was trying to perform before being transferred. This provides the same benefits as JURY+ Next Generation screen pop and a fraction of the cost.
  • Provide general jury service information to the public.
  • Allow jurors calling during the evening or on weekends to leave voice mail messages for jury staff.
  • Provide Jury Administration staff with reporting tools not available with competing Jury IVR products, that have significantly increased productivity while reducing clerical effort.

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