IntegraVox + HostBridge = Success
Los Angeles Superior Court's Web Portal is enhanced with HostBridge technology and IntegraVox's Integration Services
IntegraVox recently partnered with HostBridge to implement the Los Angeles Superior
Court web portal application. This solution utilizes HostBridge to retrieve and update data from the Court’s legacy CIC Jury Management system.
HostBridge provides the following Service Types and Protocols:
- SOAP/WSDL (formal) services
- SOAP 1.2, via HB SOAP stack or IBM SOAP for CICS (6.1)
- REST/RESTful (informal) services
- XPath 2.0 (W3C-standard XML path language simplifies navigation within XML documents, interaction with nodes)
- JSON (JavaScript Object Notation: lightweight data interchange format commonly used with ECMAScript; part of the ECMAScript standard, provides for simpler CICS interaction with Ajax/object-based web applications)
- Atom
Learn more by viewing the HostBridge diagram